
Jubiläumskonzert: Chorgemeinschaft ‚pro musica‘ feiert goldenes fünfzigstes Jahr

In Berlin, specifically at the Rathaus Treptow, a special concert is set to take place on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at 3 pm to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the choral group "pro musica". The choir, founded in 1968 by Edith and Ludwig Matthies, has a rich history and has become a beloved institution in the community. Over the years, they have amassed a repertoire of over 400 songs, many of which will be featured in this celebratory concert.

Led by Christian Höffling for over 12 years, the choir will perform a selection of songs that highlight the different milestones of their five-decade history. From the choral arrangements written by co-founder Ludwig Matthies to their current hits, the concert promises to be a nostalgic and entertaining journey through the choir's evolution. The theme of aging is also touched upon in their performances, as many of the members are in their golden years but continue to bring enthusiasm and energy to the stage.

The concert will feature accompaniment by Irina Waldow on the piano, adding an extra layer of musical depth to the performances. With limited tickets available for purchase exclusively through the choir, the event is expected to be a sell-out success. Those interested in attending can reserve tickets by contacting the choir via email or phone.

This concert is part of a series of events planned by the Chorgemeinschaft "pro musica" to celebrate their milestone anniversary. The group has already captivated audiences with their performances and will continue to do so with their upcoming concerts, culminating in a grand finale at the Rathaus Treptow on the first weekend of Advent in a musical celebration of their golden anniversary.

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Daniel Wom

Der in Berlin geborene Daniel Wom ist ein versierter Journalist mit einer starken Affinität für Wirtschaftsthemen. Er hat an der Freien Universität Berlin Journalistik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert und arbeitet seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt in den Medien. Daniel hat für verschiedene große Tageszeitungen und Online-Plattformen geschrieben und ist bekannt für seine tiefgründigen Analysen und klaren Darstellungen komplexer Sachverhalte. Er ist Mitglied im Deutschen Journalisten-Verband und hat mehrere Auszeichnungen für seine exzellente Berichterstattung erhalten. In seiner Freizeit erkundet Daniel gerne die vielfältige Kulturszene Berlins und ist leidenschaftlicher Webentwickler.

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