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Hungerstreik für Klima: Ingenieur fordert Antwort von Kanzler

Die alarmierende Eskalation eines Hungerstreiks: Wolfgang Metzeler fordert eine Antwort von Olaf Scholz zur Klimakrise

In Berlin, Wolfgang Metzeler, a 49-year-old engineer for technical environmental protection, made a profound statement during his hunger strike outside the Chancellor's office. On the 42nd day of his striking, he referenced the significance of the number 42 from the science-fiction novel "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis." Metzeler, known for his humorous undertones, takes his hunger strike seriously, aiming to provoke a direct response from Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the pressing issue of the climate crisis. He is willing to escalate his actions to gain a meaningful dialogue with the government.

Metzeler's hunger strike mirrors a similar protest by activists from the Last Generation group in 2021, who also demanded a meeting with political leaders, including Olaf Scholz. While most of the hunger strikers discontinued their strike after being denied a conversation, two individuals persevered and eventually secured a meeting with Scholz. The current hunger strike, led by Metzeler, supported by Richard Cluse and Michael Winter, seeks acknowledgment from the government that the existence of human civilization is under severe threat due to the looming climate catastrophe. They advocate for drastic changes to address the excessive levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Despite the physical toll of his hunger strike, Metzeler remains resolute in his mission, even considering a thirst strike to intensify pressure on the government. Joined by two other protesters and bolstered by supporters like Linda Doblinger, the Last Generation activist, Metzeler emphasizes the urgent need for political transparency regarding the climate emergency. Doblinger stresses the importance of conveying honest and scientifically validated information to the public and policymakers to combat the looming crisis effectively.

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As the hunger strike continues, Metzeler's resolve to hold the government accountable grows stronger. He contemplates further escalating his protest by eliminating carbohydrates from his diet, a move that would further deteriorate his health but potentially amplify the pressure on authorities. Despite the government's dismissive attitude towards their demands, Metzeler and his fellow protesters are determined to push for meaningful action to address the impending climate disaster. The Chancellor's office's reluctance to engage with essential climate facts has left protesters feeling abandoned and disregarded in their fight for a sustainable future. Metzeler's poignant statement encapsulates the frustration and desperation felt by protesters: "The government's refusal to address our concerns essentially means one thing to me: Olaf Scholz wants to see me dead."

Daniel Wom

Der in Berlin geborene Daniel Wom ist ein versierter Journalist mit einer starken Affinität für Wirtschaftsthemen. Er hat an der Freien Universität Berlin Journalistik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert und arbeitet seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt in den Medien. Daniel hat für verschiedene große Tageszeitungen und Online-Plattformen geschrieben und ist bekannt für seine tiefgründigen Analysen und klaren Darstellungen komplexer Sachverhalte. Er ist Mitglied im Deutschen Journalisten-Verband und hat mehrere Auszeichnungen für seine exzellente Berichterstattung erhalten. In seiner Freizeit erkundet Daniel gerne die vielfältige Kulturszene Berlins und ist leidenschaftlicher Webentwickler.

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