Berlin AktuellPanoramaSponsoringTennisTERRA WORTMANN OPENWährung

Bitpanda sponsert TERRA WORTMANN OPEN 2024 – Europas führender Krypto-Broker unterstützt Tennissport

Bitpanda, Europe's leading cryptocurrency broker, is sponsoring this year's TERRA WORTMANN OPEN in Halle (Westfalen), demonstrating the company's commitment to supporting tennis. The sponsorship follows Bitpanda's recent collaboration with tennis star Stanislas Wawrinka and their premium sponsorship partnership at the BOSS OPEN. Maik Brodowski, Commercial Director Europe at Bitpanda, expresses excitement about sponsoring the TERRA WORTMANN OPEN in 2024, highlighting the opportunity to introduce Bitpanda to a wide audience. The tournament is known for attracting top players, and this year features Italian player Jannik Sinner (ATP 1), Olympic champion Alexander Zverev (ATP 4), Daniil Medvedev (ATP 5), and three other top-11 players. Ralf Weber, the tournament director, expresses pleasure in having Bitpanda as a sponsor, emphasizing their shared vision and passion for high-quality tennis. Other (co-)sponsors of the TERRA WORTMANN OPEN this year include terra Wortmann, HYLO, Betway, Longi, Emirates, and Polestar.

Bitpanda offers a wide range of digital assets, including over 400 cryptocurrencies, stocks, ETFs, precious metals, and commodities. With over 3,000 digital assets available on its investment platform, Bitpanda boasts one of the most extensive selections of digital assets in Europe. The platform is also one of the most heavily regulated crypto platforms in Europe, ensuring a high level of security and reliability for its users.

Bitpanda was founded in Vienna in 2014 and has established itself as one of Europe's leading crypto brokers. With over 4.5 million users, Bitpanda is known for its safety measures and strict regulation. In addition to its headquarters in Vienna, Bitpanda has offices in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, and Bucharest.

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The TERRA WORTMANN OPEN, held annually in Halle (Westfalen) since 1993, is Germany's largest grass-court tennis tournament. The tournament attracts over 100,000 spectators each year and is organized by OWL Sport & Event GmbH & Co. KG. It is considered a preparation event for the Wimbledon Grand Slam tournament. The TERRA WORTMANN OPEN is classified as an ATP 500-level tournament, with Swiss player Roger Federer holding the record for the most titles won in Halle (Westfalen) with ten victories.

Quelle: Bitpanda Technology Solutions / ots

Daniel Wom

Der in Berlin geborene Daniel Wom ist ein versierter Journalist mit einer starken Affinität für Wirtschaftsthemen. Er hat an der Freien Universität Berlin Journalistik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert und arbeitet seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt in den Medien. Daniel hat für verschiedene große Tageszeitungen und Online-Plattformen geschrieben und ist bekannt für seine tiefgründigen Analysen und klaren Darstellungen komplexer Sachverhalte. Er ist Mitglied im Deutschen Journalisten-Verband und hat mehrere Auszeichnungen für seine exzellente Berichterstattung erhalten. In seiner Freizeit erkundet Daniel gerne die vielfältige Kulturszene Berlins und ist leidenschaftlicher Webentwickler.

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