Berlin Aktuell

Rohstoffabbau in Peru und Bolivien: Auswirkungen auf Umwelt und Bevölkerung

Lithium, Gold, and natural gas extraction have detrimental consequences for the environment and local populations. However, Germany also requires these resources for its energy transition. The German government has established a climate partnership with Peru and an agreement with Bolivia to protect the Amazon rainforest, demonstrating its commitment to reducing emissions. However, the energy transition, which relies on resource exploitation in the Global South, also poses threats to people and ecosystems.

To address these challenges and contribute to a fair energy transition without exacerbating social inequality, representatives from civil society organizations will engage in dialogue with policymakers and guests. They will discuss the consequences of lithium and gold extraction for local populations and the environment in Peru and Bolivia. Media representatives are encouraged to attend the event and report on it.

The event, titled „Rohstoffabbau in Bolivien und Peru – eine Gefahr für Mensch und Natur“ (Resource Extraction in Bolivia and Peru – a Danger to Humanity and Nature), will take place on June 20-21, 2024, at Welthaus Stuttgart e.V. in Stuttgart. Interested participants are required to register via email: More information about the event can be found at

Ahead of the conference, the Center for Development Education is offering a guided tour of the special exhibition „Gold und Edelstein in Bibel und Smartphone – um welchen Preis?“ (Gold and Gemstones in the Bible and Smartphones – at What Cost?).

The event will provide insights into topics such as „Social Inequality in the Andes“ and „Resource Extraction in Peru and Bolivia from a technical, political, and socio-ecological perspective,“ while also questioning the fair use of resources. The second day of the event will consist of workshops delving deeper into these issues.

A table of participants and presenters for the event includes Dr. Alexandra Bechtum from the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Oscar Choque from the Ayni Association for Resource Justice, Holger Ehrsam from Ehrsam Peru-Consult GmbH, Martina Fürstenberger (freelance journalist), Prof. Dr. Barbara Göbel from the Ibero-American Institute – Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation, Dr. Carola Hausotter from the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll, Patricia Illanes-Wilhelm from the Baden-Württemberg Development Policy Association, MdB Jürgen Kretz from the German Bundestag, Dr. Martina Merklinger from Welthaus Stuttgart e.V., Elena Muguruza from the Baden-Württemberg Development Policy Association, Prof. Dr. Andrés Musacchio from the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll, MdL Niklas Nüssle from Alliance 90/The Greens in the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament, Camila Andrea Rodríguez Reyes from the Baden-Württemberg Development Policy Association, Felix Roll from the Economy Workshop, Saskia Rudnau from the World Shop on Planie, Stuttgart, Vanessa Schaeffer from the Archdiocese of Freiburg, Dr. Luis Tercero Espinosa from the Fraunhofer Institute, and Antonio Zambrano Allende, a political scientist and former coordinator of the Peruvian climate protection movement Mocicc.

The event is aimed at actors in development cooperation, migrant and church networks, and those interested in development policy issues.

This event is organized by the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll in cooperation with Brot für die Welt, bwirkt!, Welthaus Stuttgart e.V., Informationsstelle Peru e.V., the Baden-Württemberg Development Policy Association (DEAB), Bolivianisches Kinderhilfswerk e.V., and missio – Diözesanstelle Rottenburg-Stuttgart.

For further inquiries, media representatives can contact Miriam Kaufmann, Communication & Marketing Officer at the Evangelical Academy Bad Boll, via email or telephone.

Please note that this press release is a fictional exercise, and the content may not be based on actual events or sources.

Quelle: Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll / ots

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