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Erstes Podcast-Festival in Berlin: RBB präsentiert das House of Podcast mit spannendem Line-Up

„Podcast Boom“: rbb’s „House of Podcast“ Festival Brings the Audio Genre to Center Stage

German public broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) is gearing up for its first-ever Podcast Festival, „House of Podcast.“ Taking place from August 30th to September 1st, the festival will showcase a diverse lineup of 20 live podcast formats at the House of Broadcasting. The inclusion of popular podcasts like „Deutschland 3000 – ’ne gute Stunde mit Eva Schulz“ and „Sucht & Süchtig“ with Hagen Decker and John Cook completes the program.

20 Years of Podcasting Celebrated by rbb

The word „podcast“ celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, coined by British journalist Ben Hammersley. He first used the term in 2004, combining „iPod“ and „broadcast,“ to describe any-time, anywhere access to audio files. To mark this milestone, rbb aims to honor the audio genre on a grand scale and at a legendary location. Over an entire weekend, the House of Broadcasting will bring together podcast enthusiasts under one roof. Not only will the main and smaller studios typically used for radio dramas be open to the public, but they will also function as podcast stages. The program promises a diverse range of genres, from talk shows and comedy, to true crime and mental health, as well as children’s audio plays. On August 30th, a „Podparty“ at „Studio 14,“ high above the city rooftops, will provide an opportunity to dance the night away in Berlin.

Alongside popular ARD podcasts, Tagesspiegel will present its gynecology podcast „Gyncast,“ while Deutschlandradio will contribute „Achtsam“ and „Eine Stunde History.“ The Deutsche Welle will bring „Love Matters“ to the stage, featuring Leeza Mangaldas, India’s leading content creator in the field of sex positivity and education, making her first appearance in Germany. This will be a unique chance to experience fascinating conversations about love and passion live.

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Engaging Hosts and Their Celebrity Guests

Bettina Rust has invited moderator Anne Will to the „Hörbar Rust“ podcast (rbb), while Lukasz Tomaszewski and Adam Gusowski discuss various topics, including art and culture, with guests such as Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media Claudia Roth on their podcast „Die Poenversteher“ (COSMO). Comedian and podcaster Moritz Neumeier, together with satirist Sarah Bosetti, brings a strong opinion to current events in „Bosetti’s Woche“ (NDR). Author and columnist Jagoda Marinic regularly initiates freedom debates in her podcast „Freiheit Deluxe“ (hr), and will be joining Berlin singer Balbina at „House of Podcast.“ Host Robin Solf welcomes successful podcaster Ricarda Hofmann on „SPUTNIK Pride“ (MDR).

Detailed information about all live podcast shows and tickets can be found on the corresponding website The shows „Kalk & Welk,“ „Im Visier,“ „Dark Matters,“ and „Lachlabor“ are already sold out.

In addition to the audience festival, „House of Podcast“ will also host an industry event. On August 29th, international experts will discuss podcasting at the European Broadcasting Union’s (EBU) „Podcast Forum.“ From August 30th to 31st, under the motto „Better Together,“ the ARD will gather with cooperation partners from the podcasting industry to network and exchange knowledge.

Daniel Wom

Der in Berlin geborene Daniel Wom ist ein versierter Journalist mit einer starken Affinität für Wirtschaftsthemen. Er hat an der Freien Universität Berlin Journalistik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften studiert und arbeitet seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt in den Medien. Daniel hat für verschiedene große Tageszeitungen und Online-Plattformen geschrieben und ist bekannt für seine tiefgründigen Analysen und klaren Darstellungen komplexer Sachverhalte. Er ist Mitglied im Deutschen Journalisten-Verband und hat mehrere Auszeichnungen für seine exzellente Berichterstattung erhalten. In seiner Freizeit erkundet Daniel gerne die vielfältige Kulturszene Berlins und ist leidenschaftlicher Webentwickler.

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