Berlin AktuellParteiPolitik

Deutschland’s mangelnde Führung im NATO-Gipfel enthüllt Schwäche im Haushalt

Wadephul: NATO needs a strong European pillar

The NATO summit, marking the alliance's 75th anniversary, took place from July 9th to 11th in Washington. Johann Wadephul, the Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, represented the German Bundestag in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly as the head of the German delegation. Regarding the summit, Wadephul emphasized the importance of collective security and the need for clear leadership.

Wadephul stated, "75 years after its founding, NATO is more important than ever. The Russian war against Ukraine has highlighted the significance of collective security in an unprecedented way. All alliance members are aware of this. The discussions in Washington have also made it clear that the alliance is seeking clear leadership, especially in the midst of uncertainty ahead of the US elections. During this phase, the allies and the new Secretary-General expect Germany, as the second largest economy in NATO, to take on a leadership role and ensure that Europe stands together and carries a greater burden within the alliance. However, the current German government under Olaf Scholz is failing to do so. Especially with regard to the budget, they are raising doubts among the allies. The current budget plan, which provides for minimal increases in the defense budget and will likely jeopardize the 2% commitment, once again provides the opportunity for Trump to exploit the alliance's uncertainties. This is irresponsible."

The German government is doing far too little for its own security and burden sharing within the alliance. The fact that the FDP, with Finance Minister Lindner and Justice Minister Buschmann, has now rejected any considerations of reintroducing compulsory military service or a service obligation further endangers the repeatedly promised German contribution to NATO defense goals in the coming years. We are abandoning our alliance partners.

For the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, external security and reliability in the alliance are of the highest priority. The defense budget needs to increase significantly and sustainably. For us, it is clear that 2% can only be the minimum. The need for investment in the Bundeswehr is foreseeable. We also take the need to provide the Bundeswehr with more personnel very seriously. We have presented concrete concepts for this. Only in this way can we permanently ensure our defense capability, especially in times of crisis.

The announcement of the United States to station long-range weapons in Germany sends an important signal to Europe. The US is committed to European security and is planning their presence long-term. We, as the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, explicitly welcome this. The long-range weapons will make a significant contribution to long-term and credible deterrence. Under a government led by the Union, we will work closely with the US to implement this important measure to strengthen the alliance.

Background: The CDU/CSU parliamentary group represents the centrist people's parties in parliament and is committed to freedom, cohesion, and individual responsibility. Based on the Christian understanding of humanity, the Union faction advocates for a strong democratic constitutional state, the social and ecological market economy, integration into the Western community of values, and the unification of Europe. Friedrich Merz is the chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.


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