
Finanzielle Unterstützung für Bezirke bei der Unterbringung von Geflüchteten: Stellungnahme der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft.

Interview with Cem Gömüsay on the Proposed Community Flat Rate for Refugee Accommodation

In an exclusive interview, Cem Gömüsay, Integration Commissioner of the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district and spokesperson for the State Working Group of Participation and Integration Commissioners (LAG), shared his perspective on the proposal by Senator Cansel Kiziltepe to introduce a community flat rate for the accommodation of refugees. This measure aims to provide financial support to the districts for the services and infrastructure surrounding refugee accommodations managed by the State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF).

Importance of Community Flat Rate

Gömüsay emphasized the importance of viewing the community flat rate as additional support for the existing systems of the districts. It is crucial that this financial assistance does not lead to reductions in other integration measures, particularly those related to the participation and integration of refugees in the community.

Challenges and Opportunities

The integration of refugees into the community involves investments in social infrastructure and personnel, especially in areas such as schools, youth services, health departments, adult education centers, and libraries. The community flat rate is seen as a crucial step towards addressing the financial burden placed on district administrations and social spaces by the influx of refugees.

Long-Term Planning and Sustainability

Gömüsay stressed the need for a long-term and sustainable approach to funding that ensures the continuity of essential services beyond the immediate accommodation period. It is essential that the allocated funds are integrated into the district budgets to allow for long-term planning, staffing, and infrastructure development.

Community Involvement and Transparency

As a representative of the State Working Group, Gömüsay highlighted the importance of involving community stakeholders in the planning and implementation process to address potential bureaucratic challenges and ensure smooth execution of the proposed measures. Transparent communication and reliable funding commitments are key to fostering a sense of security and stability for both refugees and long-term residents in the districts.


The proposal for a community flat rate for refugee accommodation represents a significant step towards addressing the financial challenges faced by districts in providing comprehensive support to refugees. By prioritizing long-term planning, community involvement, and sustainability, this measure has the potential to strengthen social cohesion and integration efforts in Berlin.

Interview conducted by Räsch


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